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                                    Are you New to Medicare, Confused or Unhappy?


        Come Visit our Long Beach/Bellflower Offices for FREE Medicare Insurance Consultation!

                        Get Help with your Medicare Plan Enrollment, Plan Changes or Evaluation of your

                                High Drug Costs!                   

Medicare in Long Beach CA


Are you NEW to Medicare and Confused?


Are you TURNING 65?  Your are  NOW eligible for MEDICARE  Benefits.   Come and Walk into our Local Medicare Resource Center here in Long Beach and Let us help you with your Medicare Enrollment, especially if you have not YET received your Part  A or B.    Most people receive their Medicare Cards automatically, but if you have not received yours, there are various reasons!    As your Neighborhood LOCAL Medicare Plans Agency, our Agents will help you with the process of obtaining the most out of your Medicare benefits.   Marina Amezcua Medicare and Covered California Health Insurance Agency, with her  Team of Certified Medicare Insurance Agents and Plan Experts will help you to Navigate through the Healthcare system, which at times can be very confusing.  Complete the FREE Consultation Form to the Right and let's GET STARTED!! 


We cannot tell you the importance of taking time to "Evaluate" your healthcare options of  a Medicare Health Insurance Plan or supplemental MEDIGAP Insurance policy.  Before you Buy or sign-up for ANY Medicare Insurance Plan,  let us offer your Neutral advice in the comfort of our Long Beach or Bellflower/Downey Locations - Not ALL Medicare Plans are Created EQUAL!  Some retirees find the hard way about unexpected co-pays and deductibles.   


Selecting the right Medicare Health Insurance Plan should be your priority and for that reason, we encourage you to call us for a FREE consultation and review of your Medicare Health Insurance and Supplemental plans.   Our "Certified" Medicare health insurance agents and Medicare Plan Experts will offer you professional expert advice with regards to all aspects of Medicare Insurance Plans, in addition to consulting you as to your Elegibility into the Medicare Savings Programs, which if you Qualify, can save you and/or reduce your High costs of your Prescription Drugs, especially if you are taking higher Tier Level and/or Specialty Controlled Drugs.   


We welcome Walk-Ins at our Long Beach Medicare Resource Center from 10am to 4pm.  For our  Bellflower/Downey Location, please contact us for an appointment ahead of your visit.  We offer neutral Advice that  will enable you to make an informative decision in selecting the most appropriate Medicare Health Insurance Plan,  Supplemental/Medigap Policy or Prescription Drug Plans, that will meet and exceed all your Coverage expectations.  Come VISIT us and check out your Medicare Options.  There is No Obligation to sign-up or change Plans! We have been servicing our Retirees in the community since 2008!  One Easy Call to (562)353-5375 and we'll schedule your Appointment!   





      Get your Free In-Office Consultation & Stylus Pen.
   Make your Appointment Now!

Note:  By completing above form, you are authorizing Marina Amezcua to follow-up on your request and/or inquiry to our office.  We DO NOT share your information to any other entity or for any other purpose. 

Stop by our Office - call for Appointment!

Need help with your Medicare Plans/Insurance Benefits?  Call us first for an In-Office Appointment in our Long Beach Medicare Resource Center from 10am to 4pm.  For our  Bellflower/Downey Location, please contact us for an appointment ahead of your visit.  We offer neutral Advice that  will enable you to make an informative decision in selecting the most appropriate Medicare Plans  such as Medicare Advantage,  Supplemental (/Medigap), Prescription Drug Plans, that will meet and exceed all your Coverage expectations.  Come VISIT us and check out your Medicare Options.  There is No Obligation to sign-up or change Plans! 

We have been servicing our Retirees in the community since 2008!  One Easy Call to (562)353-5375 and we'll schedule your Appointment! 

  Seguro Medico de  Medicare en Español en Long Beach, CA

two person laughing
Seguro Medico de Medicare Explicado en Español!

Medicare es un tipo de Seguro Médico disponible para personas jubiladas que cumplan 65 años o más. Básicamente, está compuesto por 3 partes, Parte A, Parte B y Parte D, y  apartir de su Elegibilidad, especialmente si tiene alguna ENFERMEDAD, es el mejor momento para solicitarla.    En general, 3 meses antes o después de cumplir 65 o antes, si usted es una persona con alguna discapacidad, se le permitirá unirse al plan, sin tener que preocuparse por ser declinado (a) o Rechazado (a). 


Las Partes A, B y D  son conocidas como Medicare Original.  La Parte A, se la dan automaticamente y no tiene ningun costo. Por la Part B, al inscribirse se deduciran de su plan de retiro un costo.  La Parte D cubre sus medicamentos y usted debe comprar esta cobertura.  


Medicare Original solo  le cubre el  80%.  Hay opciones de diferentes planes para cubrir parte  el 20% que NO cubre su Seguro Medico de Medicare y esta opcion es un Seguro Medico "Medicare Advantage" conocido como Parte C o un Plan de Seguro Medico Suplemental conocido como un  "MEDIGAP".  Nuestros  Agentes de Medicare con "licencia y certificadacion" en todos los planes de Medicare,  le mostraran sus "Opciones de Medicare" y  dependiendo del plan,  usted podrá eliminar co-pagos y  deducibles médicos de doctores,  especialistas, examenes, etc.  ¡Los deducibles hospitalarios serán una cosa del pasado!


Permita que nuestros Agentes Expertos en Planes de Seguro Medicos de Medicare lo ayuden a seleccionar el mejor plan para todas sus necesidades de atención médica. Nuestra Agencia Profesional  con expertos con Especialidad en  Seguros Medicos de Medicare y Planes de Ahorro, se enorgullece y pone a su disposicion a  Agentes de habla hispana, que le atenderan en Espanol!  No se arriesgue en tener Costos Medicos inprovisados!  Venga por su Consulta Gratis y agentes con especialidad en Medicare y conocimiento lo asistiran con esta importante decisión.  Al no tener las coberturas adecuadas, puede poner sus ahorros en peligro.   Para una Cita llene el formulario o LLAMENOS YA al (562)353-5375.


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