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                                       Are you New to Medicare or Simply Confused?   

                      Local Medicare Agent servicing the needs of  nearby Lakewood Residents with FREE 

                                 Medicare Insurance Consultation, Enrollments  or Plan Changes!  Call NOW!                        

Marina Amezcua is  Certified in All Medicare Plans such as Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug Plans or Medicare Supplemental Plans.  She has been servicing Lakewood, CA residents with regards to Medicare Savings Programs that  are Available to Help Reduce costs of Prescribed Medications, if the Lakewood Resident is ELIGIBLE such options will be given.  Let Marina help you chose the Right Medicare Plan or Options with regards to your Healthcare Needs.   Complete form to schedule a Free Consulation.

Medicare in Long Beach CA

We cannot tell you the importance of taking time to "Evaluate" your options for a Medicare Insurance Plan, Supplemental Plan (Medigap) or a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. Some retirees find the hard way about unexpected co-pays and deductibles when they stay in Original Medicare (government plan).  Additionally, the Original Medicare Plan is not complete as is missing one important Coverage, which is your "Medicare Prescription Drug Plan".   Some retirees go years without obtaining the prescription drug coverage, whether it be because they don't take medication or just procrastination and later when they do need or require to begin taking prescriptions, they find out that they will be penalized for not enrolling in their Prescription Drug Plan when they are Newly Eligible to Medicare when Turning 65!


Selecting the right Medicare Health Insurance should be your "priority" and for that reason, we encourage you to call us for a "FREE consultation and Full review of Medicare Health Insurance plans.   Our "Certified" Health Insurance Agents with expertise in Medicare Plans will offer you expert advice with regards to all aspects of your Medicare Insurance Plans and Benefits. Additionally, analyzing your Elegibility into the Medicare Savings Programs, which "if you Qualify", can save you and/or reduce unnecessary costs  of high Medication  Co-Pays and GAPS that you may encounter if you do not chose the right Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Medicare PART D), ly those that are currently not covered by Medicare. 


In addition, we will offer invaluable advice and information that will enable you to make an informative decision in selecting the most appropriate Medicare Plan (Medicare Advantage), Supplemental Plan (Medigap) F or G or the appropriate Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Medicare PART D) to ensure the Medicare Plan not only meets, but exceeds all of your expectations of your healthcare coverages and benefits. 


ARE NEW TO MEDICARE? - What to Expect & What To Do:


If you are "NEW to Medicare and are Turning  65," you will NOW  be eligible for MEDICARE  Benefits. 


1)If you have already RETIRED and are already getting your Pension from Social Security, you will RECEIVE your MEDICARE card "Automatically" three (3) Months prior to your Birthday!  


2)Once you RECEIVE your Medicare Card, you will need to "Call us to ENROLL in your MEDICARE PART D" (which is your Prescription Plan) which has a PREMIUM or Consult us on the "Best Medicare Plan for you with ZERO Premium"!  DO NOT Procrastinate in getting your PART D because you may get PENALIZED!!


3)If you're past the AGE of 65, but are now Ready to Retire and OBTAIN your Medicare Benefits, than in this case, you will need to enroll and you have the following options:


a. Contact Social Security Administration and Enroll by phone;


b. Go ONLINE to SSA.Gov (click Medicare Benefits) and Enroll ONLINE for your Medicare Benefits; and/or


c.  Give Marina Amezcua Insurance a call and we will get this taken care of for you!!




      Get your Free In-Office Consultation & Stylus Pen.
   Make your Appointment Now!

Note:  By completing above form, you are authorizing Marina Amezcua to follow-up on your request and/or inquiry to our office.  We are an Independent Insurance Agency in Long Beach and we will NEVER share your information.  Be assured we will only use your information for the intended purpose.

When it comes to Medicare Health Insurance Plans, Our Medicare Certified Health Insurance Agents  can help you Enroll!  Our Lakewood Residents my Call or Stop by/Walk-In to our Medicare Resource Center in Long Beach to speak to any of Medicare Plan available in the neighborhood or we can "Come-To-u for Medicare Consultation" and meet with you at your kitchen table with Medicare Healthcare Plan Options.  We proudly service our Lakewood residents, in addition to surrounding cities such as Hawaiian Gardens, Carson, Artesia, Bellflower, Norwalk, Paramount, Compton.


Lakewood Medicare Plans*Medicare Supplement Insurance-Lakewood*Medicare Insurance Agency-Lakewood*Medicare Insurance Agent-Lakewood*Medicare Prescription Plan Lakewood * Medicare Part C  * Medicare Prescription Plan Lakewood * Medicare Part D  Lakewood * Medicare Supplement -Medigap Plans - Lakewood 




Te ofrecemos consulta  GRATIS de Medicare en Espanol en nuestra Agencia de Seguros Medicos, esta localizada en Long Beach, pero sirviendo a la comunidad de Lakewood, CA.   Nuestros Agentes Expertos en Planes de Seguro de Medicare te Ayudaran a Registrarte a Medicare Original y/o o a un Plan de Seguro de Medicare para que puedas  Obtener MAS de Medicare (Medicare Part C), Medicare Plan Suplemental (Medigap Plan F or G) o Plan de Medicamentos de Medicare (Medicare Part D).   Te brindamos toda informacion necesaria para que facilmente selecciones el Plan de Seguro Medico Medicare que  reuna todas tus necesidades a la Medida!     ¡No pospongas más!  Nuestros Agentes con experiencia en todo tipo de Planes de Medicare te atenderan en Español y te informaran de Todas tus Opciones de MEDICARE!    Para pedir Ayuda Inmediata, complete el  formulario "Solicitud de Cita" que esta en esta pagina y envíe a nosotros los mas antes posible.  Un agente con Licencia y Certificacion por el Estado de California te contactara para orientarte sobre los Planes de Medicare!  ¡Si no puedes venir a nosotros, podemos acudir a ti! También puedes llamarnos al (562) 353-5375 para una cita urgente!   Nuestra oficina de Seguros Medicos no solamente da servicios a Residentes de Long Beach, pero a los condados de Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside y San Bernardino, incluyendo a Residentes de Downey, Lakewood, Hawaiian Gardens, Carson, Artesia, Cypress, Seal Beach,  Rancho Palos Verdes,  Lawndale, Redondo Beach, Bellflower, Norwalk, Compton, Bixby Knolls, Signal Hill, Whittier, South Gate, Maywood, Paramount, Huntington Park, Walnut Park, La Puente,  Pico Rivera, Monterey Park, Hacienda Heights, La Habra, Brea, La Habra Heights, Tustin, Fullerton, Santa Ana, Pomona, Chino, Chino Hils, Diamond Bar, Baldwin Park, Covina, West Covina, CALIFORNIA.  






  Seguro Medico de  Medicare en Español en Long Beach, CA

two person laughing
Seguro Medico de Medicare Explicado en Español!

Medicare es un tipo de Seguro Médico disponible para personas jubiladas que cumplan 65 años o más. Básicamente, está compuesto por 3 partes, Parte A, Parte B y Parte D, y  apartir de su Elegibilidad, especialmente si tiene alguna ENFERMEDAD, es el mejor momento para solicitarla.    En general, 3 meses antes o después de cumplir 65 o antes, si usted es una persona con alguna discapacidad, se le permitirá unirse al plan, sin tener que preocuparse por ser declinado (a) o Rechazado (a). 


Las Partes A, B y D  son conocidas como Medicare Original.  La Parte A, se la dan automaticamente y no tiene ningun costo. Por la Part B, al inscribirse se deduciran de su plan de retiro un costo.  La Parte D cubre sus medicamentos y usted debe comprar esta cobertura.  


Medicare Original solo  le cubre el  80%.  Hay opciones de diferentes planes para cubrir parte  el 20% que NO cubre su Seguro Medico de Medicare y esta opcion es un Seguro Medico "Medicare Advantage" conocido como Parte C o un Plan de Seguro Medico Suplemental conocido como un  "MEDIGAP".  Nuestros  Agentes de Medicare con "licencia y certificadacion" en todos los planes de Medicare,  le mostraran sus "Opciones de Medicare" y  dependiendo del plan,  usted podrá eliminar co-pagos y  deducibles médicos de doctores,  especialistas, examenes, etc.  ¡Los deducibles hospitalarios serán una cosa del pasado!


Permita que nuestros Agentes Expertos en Planes de Seguro Medicos de Medicare lo ayuden a seleccionar el mejor plan para todas sus necesidades de atención médica. Nuestra Agencia Profesional  con expertos con Especialidad en  Seguros Medicos de Medicare y Planes de Ahorro, se enorgullece y pone a su disposicion a  Agentes de habla hispana, que le atenderan en Espanol!  No se arriesgue en tener Costos Medicos inprovisados!  Venga por su Consulta Gratis y agentes con especialidad en Medicare y conocimiento lo asistiran con esta importante decisión.  Al no tener las coberturas adecuadas, puede poner sus ahorros en peligro.   Para una Cita llene el formulario o LLAMENOS YA al (562)353-5375.


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